


The following is a list of businesses in Crooksville. If you would like to request that a business name be added to this list, please send an email to the Fiscal Officer along with the name, address, phone number, web address, and other related information about the recommended business.

Auto Sales, Auto Service, Repair and Tires

Carl’s Garage
Jim’s Auto Sales
Larry’s Tire Shop
Value Auto Auction, LLC
Crooksville Business
Crooksville Business


The Community Bank
Waterford Commercial and Savings Bank
Crooksville Bank

Computer Repair

High Road Computing
Computer Repair
Computer Repair

Electrical Services

Southeastern Electric, Inc.
Electrical Services
Electrical Services

Funeral Homes

Goebel Funeral Home and Cremation Services
Ross-Frash Funeral Home
Funeral Homes

Gas Stations

Certified Oil
Marathon Oil and Circle K Convenience Store
Funeral Homes

Groceries and Liquor Stores

Ruff’s Market
Smoker Friendly Party Center
The Icebox Carryout
Southside Carryout and Drive Thru


Donaldson’s Firearms LLC
Scheffler’s Straight Shooters
Funeral Homes


Underground Athletics
Gym Homes
Gym Homes


Crooksville “Do It Best” Hardware
Gym Homes
Gym Homes