2020 Ordinances and Resolutions
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2020 Ordinances and Resolutions
The term “Ordinance” refers to the type of legislative action by the Village Council that is of a general or permanent nature, creates a right, grants a franchise or involves the expenditure of money, the levying of a tax, or authorizes the purchase, lease, sale or transfer of property.
The term “Resolution” is used in connection with the action of the Village Council in passing legislation generally referred to as a declaration of intent or purpose, or the authorization of some temporary act or administrative procedure. A resolution may initiate, direct or carry out administrative duties and functions that are granted to the Council under statutory laws or municipal ordinances.
The ordinances are listed in Reverse Chronological Order – the most recent ordinance appears at the top of the list and may have revised or amended similar ordinances that appear below it.
Ordinance 2687
- Ordinance to Apply for an Amended Certificate and or Amending the Annual Budget Ordinance Number 2670 for 2020 and Declaring it an Emergency.
- Approved December 14, 2020
Ordinance 2686
- Ordinance to Apply for an Amended Certificate and or Amending the Annual Budget Ordinance Number 2670 for 2020 and Declaring it an Emergency.
- Approved December 7, 2020
Ordinance 2685
- Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 2673 Adopting the Village of Crooksville’s Credit Card Policy and Declaring an Emergency.
- Approved December 7, 2020
Ordinance 2684
- Resolution to Request the Perry County Engineer to Release and Utilize the Village of Crooksville’s Permissive Motor Vehicle Tax for Paving and Declaring an Emergency.
- Approved December 7, 2020
Ordinance 2683
- Ordinance to Apply for an Amended Certificate and or Amending the Annual Budget Ordinance Number 2670 for 2020 and Declaring it an Emergency.
- Approved November 9, 2020
Ordinance 2682
- Resolution Authorizing the Perry County Engineer to Prepare and Submit an Application to Participate in the Ohio Public Works Commision State Capital Improvement and/or Local Transportation Improvement Programs and to Execute Contracts as Required, and Declaring an Emergency.
- Approved October 05, 2020
Ordinance 2681
- Ordinance 2681- To Apply for an Amended Certificate & or Amending the Annual Budget Ordinance Number 2670 for 2020 & Declaring It An Emergency
- Approved September 21, 2020
Ordinance 2680
- Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 2618 Declaring Certain Real Property No Longer Needed for Any Municipal Purpose and Authorizing Its Advertisement For Sale
- Approved October 16, 2020
Ordinance 2679
- Ordinance 2679 – Ordinance Providing for the Issuance & Sale of Income Tax Special Obligation Bonds in the Maximum Principal Amount of $800,000, for the Purpose of Paying the Costs of Improving the Village’s Public Safety Facilities by Constructing, Furnishing & Equipping a Building to Provide Fire & Emergency Medical Services, Together With All Necessary Appurtenances Therto, & Declaring an Emergency.
- Approved September 08, 2020
Ordinance No. 2677
- Ordinance NO. 2677 – An Ordinance To Apply For An Amended Certificate And Or Amending The Annual Budget Ordinance Number 2670 For 2020 And Declaring It An Emergency.
- Approved August 17, 2020
Ordinance No. 2675
- Ordinance Establishing the Cares Act Fund and Declaring an Emergency
- Approved June 15, 2020
Ordinance No. 2674
- Ordinance NO. 2674 – An Emergency Ordinance Authorizing The Village Administrator To Take Certain Extraordinary Measures In Response To A public Health Emergency And In Aid Of The Ohio Governors’ Executive Order 2020-01d And All Applicable Orders Of The Ohio Director Of Health
- Approved April 21, 2020
Ordinance No. 2673
- Ordinance NO. 2673 – An Ordinance Adopting The Village Of Crooksvilles’ Credit Card Policy And Declaring An Emergency
- Approved April 20, 2020
Ordinance No. 2671
- Ordinance to Amend Ordinance No. 2455 of the Ordinances of the Village of Crooksville Fixing and Establishing Water and Sewer Rates
- Approved March 2, 2020
Ordinance No. 2670
- Ordinance NO. 2670 – Appropriation Ordinance during the Fiscal Year ending December 31, 2020.
- Approved January 21, 2020
Resolution 2-Resolution Authorizing Payment of Bills
- Resolution 2-Resolution Authorizing Payment of Bills
- Approved January 6, 2020
Resolution 3-Resolution Authorizing Transfers
- Resolution 3-Resolution Authorizing Transfers
- Approved January 6, 2020
Resolution 4-Resolution Authorizing the Chief Fiscal Officer to Issue Blanket Purchase Orders for the Year 2020.
- Resolution 4-Resolution Authorizing the Chief Fiscal Officer to Issue Blanket Purchase Orders for the Year 2020.
- Approved January 6, 2020
Resolution 7-Resolution Authorizing a Mutual Aid Agreement w/ the Village of Roseville for Police Protection for the Year 2020 & Declaring it an Emergency
- Resolution 7-Resolution Authorizing a Mutual Aid Agreement w/ the Village of Roseville for Police Protection for the Year 2020 & Declaring it an Emergency
- Approved January 6, 2020
Resolution 9-Resolution Authorizing Payment of Bills
- Resolution 9-Resolution Authorizing Payment of Bills
- Approved January 21, 2020
Resolution 11-Resolution Authorizing Payment of Bills
- Resolution 11-Resolution Authorizing Payment of Bills
- Approved February 3, 2020
Resolution 12-Resolution Authorizing Payment of Bills
- Resolution 12-Resolution Authorizing Payment of Bills
- Approved February 3, 2020
Resolution 13-Resolution Authorizing Transfers
- Resolution 13-Resolution Authorizing Transfers
- Approved February 3, 2020
Resolution 18-Resolution Authorizing Payment of Bills
- Resolution 18-Resolution Authorizing Payment of Bills
- Approved February 17, 2020
Resolution 19 – Authorizing Transfers
- Resolution No. 2020-19 – Resolution to rescind the approval of resolutions
- Approved February 17, 2020
Resolution 21 – Authorizing Payment of Bills
- Resolution No. 2020-21 – Authorizing Payment of Bills
- Approved March 02, 2020
Resolution 24 – Authorizing Payment of Bills
- Resolution No. 2020-24 – Authorizing Payment of Bills
- Approved March 16, 2020
Resolution 25 – Authorizing Transfers
- Resolution No. 2020-25 – Authorizing Transfers
- Approved March 16, 2020
Resolution 26 – Appropriation Supplemental March 2020
- Resolution No. 2020-26 – Appropriation Supplemental March 2020
Resolution 30 – Appropriation Supplemental April 2020
- Resolution No. 2020-30 – Appropriation Supplemental April 2020
Resolution 31 – Authorizing Payroll & Miscellaneous Expense Vouchers
- Resolution No. 2020-31 – Authorizing Payroll & Miscellaneous Expense Vouchers
- Approved April 01, 2020
Resolution 32 – Authorizing Payroll & Miscellaneous Expense Vouchers
- Resolution No. 2020-32 – Authorizing Payroll & Miscellaneous Expense Vouchers
- Approved April 01, 2020
Resolution 33 – Authorizing Supplemental Appropriations
- Resolution No. 2020-33 – Authorizing Supplemental Appropriations
- Approved April 01, 2020
Resolution 38 – Authorizing Transfers
- Resolution No. 2020-38 – Authorizing Transfers
- Approved May 18, 2020
Resolution 43 – Authorizing Supplemental Appropriations
- Resolution No. 2020-43 – Resolution Authorizing Supplemental Appropriations
- Approved June 30, 2020
Resolution 58 – Fund Summary
- Resolution No. 2020-58 – Fund Summary
- Approved July 07, 2020
Resolution 65 – Interfund Transfer Detail
- Resolution No. 2020-65 – Interfund Transfer Detail
- Approved August 03, 2020
Resolution No. 2020-68
- Resolution No. 2020-68 – Resolution to rescind the approval of resolutions
- Approved December 12, 2019

Village Offices
The Village Administrator is Lacey Tumblin.
- Location: 98 South Buckeye Street Crooksville Ohio 43731
- Hours: Monday-Thursday from 7:30am-4:30pm and Friday from 8:00am-12:00pm, with the exception of observed holidays
- Phone: (740) 982-2712
- Fax: (740) 982-7641